
So much for getting Ahead

I just found out that UEN (Utah Education Network) was doing an update or some maintenance. The end result was the lose of all my work. :/ For one reason or another they had to roll back to last Tuesday’s data. This just isn’t a good thing for the end of the semester. This means that I can’t download a test that I have to do by Monday and I’ve lost the last 6 chapter quizzes and tests that I took this week. :/

Now this might not seem that bad, although how’s going to cover me for my lost time, but there are a lot of schools on the system and it nearing the end of the semester. It affects 15 different groups of which just about all, but maybe 1 or 2 are colleges. So no thanks to blackboard vista and Oracle.

And if anyone want to read the explanation, read on.

UEN Blackboard Vista ( Service Restored November 16, 2007 9:05 PM

Service for was restored at approximately 8:45 PM on Friday, November 16th. Due to a serious database error, the scheduled outage at 2AM on Friday, November 16th turned into an extended system outage. For reasons that are still unclear to us now, data files in the Oracle database became corrupted and could not be repaired.

To avoid further data corruption, the Blackboard Vista system has been restored to its state as of 12:30 PM MST on Tuesday, November 13th. Unfortunately all work on the system between 12:30 PM on Tuesday and 2:00 AM on Friday could not be recovered. We are optimistic that we may be able to recover some of the missing data (in its corrupted state in a different Blackboard Vista environment) for reference.

We sincerely apologize for the interruption in service and loss of data. Engineers at UEN are continuing to investigate the source of the problem and take appropriate measures to make sure that this does not happen again.