I just found this on Google’s blog. Its a new blog that is dedicated to sharing about open source happenings at Google.
My request for an opensuse email account was accepted!!! I am now the new proud owner of decriptor at opensuse dot org. That’s not all!
ZDnet had an article on Citrix and their position/dedication to XEN. For those that weren’t aware, Citrix bought XEN for $500 million last year. I
The lastest alpha of openSUSE 11 is out. Here is the link to the iso images. Updated: A link to the official announcement.
For the longest time I had problems with everything being included in my opensuse label. Since its a heavy lists at times, I lose email
I was sent this link to a tribute from Glenn Beck to Gordon B. Hinckley. Update: Sorry the embedded youtube stuff was just messing things
I’m running OpenSUSE 10.3 on my macbook pro that I picked up last semester. I had some problems getting my audio working for one reason