OpenSUSE 11 alpha 3 Released
Alpha 3 is out!!! Time to test this alpha out. Here are some changes to this release.
- Linux 2.6.25-rc5
- gcc 4.3 final
- updated binutils 2.18.50 SVN
- updated gdb 6.7.50 SVN
- continued work on the installation work flow
- libzypp uses a new much faster solver
- CUPS 1.3.6
- D-Bus 1.1.20
- updated NetworkManager 0.7 SVN
- PackageKit
- PolicyKit 0.7
- PulseAudio 0.9.9Â Â
Ok. Here are the link to isos, deltas, and torrents.
 I have the torrent up, but nothings coming down the pipe yet. So we’ll have to wait and see about that.
Ooohhh God! Not again!! I just can’t help myself…Ok, time to download and screwup everything I’ve done on 10.3….Hmmm, can’t help myself. I….must….download…and update…or … install…11..aarrgghg! Somebody help me!
an openSuSE fanatic