openSUSE 11.2 release party
Just a quick post letting everyone know that there is a release party here in Provo, Utah.
The Open Source Technology Center, building A on the Novell campus, has been good enough to host us again. Â It will be this Thursday, November 12 from 6 to 9.
I do not have the replicated DVDs, but I will have some burned copies of the isos.
We don’t have a sponsor for pizza yet, but please RSVP anyways just in case. Â Maybe we can have people throw some money in for pizza.
Pass the word on and See you all there!
We will have pizza and drinks. Â Please RSVP!!!
Hello Open Suse,
I have a 8.0 ver of Suse and I need to upgrade. probably not to 11.2 on my older 700 Mghrz CPU, but perhaps an older version.
I can’t even begin to imagine what to do, after too many years of being dumbed-down by Microsloth.
Any directions gladly taken
@Paul That might work, but I’d recommend getting a newer machine.