iFolder Appliance 0.0.9
Well, its been a month. I figured its about time to push out another iFolder appliance with the latest and greatest. The change log information since the last release on the iFolder Release Stuff page. There are only two changes in the appliance: The latest packages of ifolder and I changed the version of the 64bit images to match the 32ibt images.
32 bit:
vmware / disk image / Live image / xen image
64 bit:
I am at my wit’s end..
I have the appliance up and running. Everything is working wonderfully! Except that I am trying to create an additional data store and cannot get it to work properly. Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
I have followed the steps listed above…
“Howto starts here:
in the linux console:
create mountpoint (cd /mnt mkdir sdb1 (ie)) (sdb1 is a synonym for the new disk)
do an fdisk
mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1
mount -rw /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
change the owner typing chown wwwrun /mnt/sdb1
change the group with chgrp www /mnt/sdb1
add the newly created device to /etc/fstab, that means, edit /etc/fstab and add the line:
/dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1 default 0 0
this is to mount the new disk every time the system starts”
Everything seems to go correctly.. I assign it as a new datastore in the admin console and the console lists the additional datastore along with the correct free space… But it wont write to it….
When I sync an ifolder, the first datastore free space decreases until it hits 0 and then it starts over.. The second (New) Datastore freespace never changes and it appears as though it isn’t being used.
I have tried all sorts of permission settings and have confirmed that my new volume is mounted and the permissions are set to wwwrun and http://www...
I have followed the instructions above over and over with fresh installs and cannot get to a point where the new data store is getting data written to it.. Please help!
I still have the same problem with my data store, just like ssigrist.
I added the data store via the admin webinterface, I set the path correct and also the 50GB I provided are being recognized. When I uploaded an iso file from 4GB, it still being saved in the default data store….
How can I change my setup that all userdata is kept in the other data store I provided (50GB)?
Can you upgrade the appliance to the new ifolder 3.8?
I FIGURED IT OUT!!! Of all things, your DataStore name cannot have SPACES!!!
If I use the process written in my previous post and just make sure I do not include spaces in the Datastor name… Everything works like a charm!…
These kinds of things make life so frustrating!!
I have deployed the appliance on vmware vSphere 4, and are trying to use the LDAP up against Microsoft AD. However when trying to connect to the webinterface of the server i just get an error stating:
“Please re-enter your username and password”
What am i doing wrong?
I get a 404 error on the Vmware images. Have they been moved?
Thank you for fixing the vmx download. 🙂
Does anybody know why the /simias10 url doesn’t work. I’ve noticed this in every test install I’ve done and hoped it would work in this image. I have done this install as described on this site.
Hi, im trying to resize the xen image.
but this is not working.
As far as i do an filesystem check on the raw file,
i get an error.
Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open ./iFolder_XEN_Server.i686-0.0.9.raw
hot to resize or fix this issue?
If you install the 64-bit version it’s opt/lib64/… but I skipped that because it wasn’t clear exactly what to delete. I think you should rectify this, but in any case, even without the Errata thing, it works fine.
I just followed the instructions to the letter. Didn’t try to get ‘clever’ and it works inside and outside of the firewall.
Good advice is never try to update the OS until Novell is sold and someone else takes over SuSE. We dumped everything Novell because their patches ALWAYS trash something on the server and their support SUCKS.
I just can’t believe how bad SuSE Linux has become and how flaky iFolder has become either.
I installed the VMware appliance, followed the steps in the documentation made NO changes and it worked 100%
Then BIG MISTAKE, we had to down all the Guest Machines to add more memory to the ESX Server and then reboot.
After reloading the iFolder server I can’t even login as admin, it’s f****d.
This is EXACTLY what happened when I installed iFolder on a Novell SuSE 10.2 OES2 Server and TWO so-called Novell development technicians from India, couldn’t fix it either. Just re-install it, I was told, you must have done something wrong!
You install, configure, it works, but all you need to do is stare at it and it STOPS working. People bad-mouth Microsoft HAH, they aren’t on the same planet as Novell and it’s products.
@Henry. really sorry to hear that you are having problems with the appliance… I’m still working on trying to improve it. As soon as this semester is over I’m hoping to rev it with tons of new things as well as improvements. Although I work at Novell, it not related to my job, but find ifolder interesting and like playing around with it in my spare time.
Just wondering about what went wrong. I’m assuming you assigned a static address to the machine? It sadly might be a case of restarting apache.
Loaded the appliance, followed the hot to instructions, but struggling to login into admin interface. Get The username or password you enterd is incorrect. Please log in. rerun last script tried putting in different usaernam and password no errors reported but still could not login in. tried restarting apache and running scrpit again and no luck please help.
I installed the 64-bit VMware appliance (eventually). I can connect from inside and outside of the firewall with a browser. I can connect from INSIDE the firewall with the Client, but I cannot connect with the Client from OUSIDE of the firewall.
Ports 443 and 80 are open on the firewall.
A colleague installed the 32-bit appliance and found : –
To configure your system to use a specific port:
1.Configure your firewall to allow traffic for the port you want to use for iFolder traffic.
2.Stop the iFolder client by right-clicking the iFolder icon, then selecting Exit.
3.Modify the xspport.cfg file by adding the Web Service Port Range parameter to the Service Manager section.
a.Replace monoxsp_port with a port number:
a.Specify a value of a single four-digit port number (such as 1234) to use a single static port. For example:
4.Start the iFolder client.
It doesn’t work on my 64-bit version.
Any ideas?
BTW – One other thing. The VMware appliance needs a VMware Client, but it doesn’t seem to have the compiler and the libraries installed in the appliance.
Having said that, I’m now sure if you CAN install the VMware Client on SuSE 11. Last time I looked (about 6 months ago), it wouldn’t compile because the versions of the libraries were incorrect
Has anyone had success in upgrading the appliance to iFolder 3.8. I can’t seem to get it to work. I have had no, repeat no issues with the VM x64. We’ve added a data store, LDAP lookup into AD (here’s a hint on that, instead of CN, use samaccountname). The only feature that I can’t get working is secondary admins, and that looks like an issue with 3.7, not the appliance. Thank you so much for your work. Our global company depends on iFolder’s for our remote notebook users. It’s made our workstation staff look like rock stars on more then one occasion.
Everything works great… I added an additional datastore and am sync-ing client data right now. My only question is how to make apache2 automatically start on bootup? Thanks!
Just run ‘chkconfig apache2 on’ as root
can you please explain to me, or point me in the right direction, on how to use the disk image (.raw file?) version?
i have an older server that cannot run vmware but i’d like to dedicate it as an ifolder server. the live cd works great but i’d like to get this bad boy onto a hard drive. please help.
maybe something for the next update: a GUI.
That makes it a lot easier. It may be a lot of work to make a program for this (i don’t know, i never made one) but afterwards, ifolder will be as simple as you can imagine!!
Can someone help me? I’ve installed the appliance fine and ifolder is working correctly. I’ve been asked to work out how to set ifolder permissions using groups and it’s lead me to using LDAP. Currently got ifolder setup using SSL and I cannot find a guide or tutorial to tell me how to setup LDAP on an existing ifolder with SSL. Can someone help me out? Thanks
do you have any plans on an appliance for 3.8?
how about a version model relative to the ifolder release?
I do and actually started it. Sadly with school work and family I’ve been a bit distracted. As for the versioning that’s not a bad idea
Whats the default user and password? there’s noone to configure on the vmware machine
should be root and linux ( or novell)
Hi, I downloaded the applicance and deployed for testing on my PC with VMware Server 2.0. I then followed your check list for configuration, so was able to login as admin and created few users, but when tryed to access the https://myip/ifolder url the created user accounts, I received many errors, I think dued to incompatibilities between application code and Mono version. I was wondering if you had same problems and what has to be done to fix the code available with this version of the appliance.
I want to use an external file system on nfs for the data store, but when I try to mount it I got the following error: “mount: wrong fs type, bad option”
Could it be that nfs support is not include in the appliance???
its possible, but nothing a simple install of a couple packages can’t fix. I’d suggest using ‘yast’ to install it by going to the nfs client module. It should offer to install all needed packages.
Even though its an appliance you still have access to all of the packages a regular install would have access to.
The URL are broken for Ifolders
It would be nice to see a new VM built with ifolder 3.8
Hi, your URL’s for the iFolder Applicances are all broken. Can these be repaired please?
Appliance has expired
Sorry, the appliance you are trying to download has expired. You may want to contact the appliance creator to rebuild his appliance and provide you with the new download link.
My apologies on the links. It seems like when they moved to the new suse gallery that those links stayed valid and these expired. Here is a link to the gallery page:
For those that are interested in testing my new appliance which is based on a newer version of ifolder, mono, openSUSE, and all the goodies that come with that here is a link to that appliance:
If you give a go, please let me know of any problems so that I can fix them. The alpha in the url/appliance name refers to the appliance release and not the software itself
Hi, the URL’s are still broken, or broken again. Can you fix these links?
Hello, is there anyone that is still maintaining this? I am very much interested in deploying iFolder in my environment. Thanks!
If you are looking for new or used appliances you should always check at velmasamazingdeals.com for the highest amount of options for the lowest price known!!!