Basic iFolder howto… finally!!!
As promised, I have finally created a quick howto for setting up iFolder. This is a really simple get your feet wet instruction set. It runs through the basics and includes SSL, but doesn’t show you how to set up LDAP of any kind. Someone else is going to help out with that howto. This should be posted to the iFolder community site in the next week or so as time permits.
If anyone has something to add/change please leave a comment!
Steps to setting up iFolder
– Boot image of choice
– Log in as root (password: ifolder, please change this 🙂
– cd iFolder
– sh
— Enter a pass phrase for server.key: (enter a pass phrase)
— Verify – Enter pass phrase for server.key: (verify the pass phrase)
— Enter pass phrase for server.key: (this is the pass phrase you just entered)
— Fillout information for certificate request (with your own data)
— Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: US
— State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: UT
— Lacality Name (eg, city) []: Provo
— Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgets Pty Ltd]: Novell
— Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)[]: SLED Accessibility
— Common Name (eg, YOUR name)[]: Stephen Shaw
— Email Address[]:sshaw{at}decriptor[dot]com
— A challenge password []: (I just hit enter, correct me)
— An optional companyname []: (I just hit enter, correct me)
— Enter pass phrase for server.key (this is the pass phrase from above)
— Enter pass phrase for server.key (the second time, this is the pass phrase from above)
That’s it for
– Sh
– Server’s Data Path? [/var/simias/data]: (use default)
– Server Name? [Host1]: iFolder1 (up to you)
– SSL?[SSL]: (use default)
– Public URL? [http://ipaddress/simias10]: (use default)
– Private URL? [https://ipaddress/simias10]: (use default)
– Slave Server? [N]: (use default, unless it is a slave)
– System Name? [iFolder]: (use default)
– System Description? [iFolder Enterprise System]: (use what you want)
– Use Key Recovery Agent? [Y]: (use defaults if you want to be able to recovery forgotten pass phrases)
– Recovery Agent Certificate Path? [/var/simias/data]: (use default)
– Use LDAP? [Y]: N (for a simple setup we won’t use LDAP)
– System Admin? [admin]: (use default)
– System Admin Password? [novell]: (you will probably want to change this)
– Configure Apache? [N]: Y (make sure you do this)
– Web Alias? [/admin]: (use default)
– Require SSL? [Y]: (use default)
– Require SSL? [Y]: (use default)
– iFolder URL? [https://localhost:443/]: (use default)
– Redirect URL? []: (use default)
– Accept iFolder Server Certificate? [Y]: (use default)
– Web Alias? [/ifolder]: (use default)
– Require SSL? [Y]: (use default)
– Require Server SSL? [Y]: (use default)
– iFolder URL? [https://localhost:443/]: (use default)
– Redirect URL? []: (use default)
– Accept iFolder Server Certificate? [Y]: (use default)
– delete the commented line out of /usr/lib/simias/webaccess/iFolders.aspx around line 84
Testing the setup
– goto https://ipaddress/admin (user: admin pass: novell, unless you changed it)
– You will very likely have to add an exception for the cert
– create a user
– Change the Home Server and don’t forget to hit save at the bottom
– goto https://ipaddress/ifolder (use the user you just created)
– login
– download the client and see if you can connect.
Congrats, if you got this far then it should be working
Ok, but I did that allready when you told me that the last time. Why isn’t that a default anymore? How could it be turned off without me knowing it?
I also saw you uploaded a newer version of the applience. Does that one work the same? Are all the bugs solved, like this one? Does it have a static ip or a dynamic ip?
I can’t login… when I try to connect to my admin webpage logs show :
2010-12-27 16:28:17,249 [-1249055888] ERROR Global – [] Application Error
System.ObjectDisposedException: The object was used after being disposed.
at System.Net.HttpWebResponse.CheckDisposed () [0x00000] in :0
at System.Net.HttpWebResponse.get_StatusDescription () [0x00000] in :0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Net.HttpWebResponse:get_StatusDescription ()
at Novell.iFolderWeb.Admin.TopNavigation.GetExceptionType (System.Exception e) [0x00000] in :0
at Novell.iFolderWeb.Admin.Login.DoLogin (System.String username, System.String password, Boolean check) [0x00000] in :0
Any idea ?
virtual machine under VmWare, mostly default options set when running buildiFolder script.
I’m not really sure what’s going on here based on this log error.. Just to make sure, you did update the file mentioned in the Errata section right?
Which version of the appliance did you use? (The version should be part of the image name)
What settings did you change?
I expected an answer to my previous question…
Ok… this is broken. Do not use this, it is abandonned !
don’t be in such a hurry. Patience is key in this kind of situations! i’m sure sshaw’ll answer you before next week. If not, you can e-mail him instead.
Thanks Rik. This is not my day job and something I do for free on the side. Note, that’s in addition to working full time, going to school part time (2 – 3 classes at a time), having a family, and other activities. I decided to take a break from things over the holiday season and am now back. I can’t promise solutions as this isn’t something I work for work, but usually willing to help out when and where possible.
I’ll reply to your other comment.
Hello Stephen,
I have a problem again. My ipod (WITH an internet connection, i checked it) can’t reach the server. I didn’t check it elsewere but i think that it won’t work anywhere apart from inside my own network, just like a month ago.
I checked the internal ip and that’s all right.
I also tried:
chkconfig apache2 on
rcapache2 start
it didn’t work!
I use the normal downloaded (old) ifolder and the only thing i changed is the internal ip adress to be static, so it won’t change.
Can you please help me, Stephen?
Thank you.
You ipod should work wherever that ip address is accessible. I’m not sure that the web UI would have anything in it to prevent that.
It is possible that if you changed the ip address, you might need to rerun the scripts? You have tested the web interface from a computer on the same connection as your ipod?
No I use a different connection for my ipod. The internally I can reach the web client (by typing: [local ipaddress]/ifolder), but i can’t reach it from outside anymore (I did this by typing [ipaddress]/ifolder , like it should be, I think). I tried from my ipod and I’ll try it from an other computer to see if it works there.
I hope you can think of a solution or I’ll be forced to set up a new server again!
Thanks for your support.
my ip address hasn’t changed and after a reboot of the virtual machine it still doesn’t work. What do you mean by rerun the scripts? Those two from above?
I really appreciate your step by step guide.