iFolder appliance updates
Yes, its been forever and then some since I’ve messed with this stuff. I’m finally trying to make sure that I get some work done on this. The first item of business is the new iFolder appliance project page being hosted on google code. This is where I’d like to post updates, release notes, progress, errata, the how to, fixes, workarounds, etc.
The next thing I want to mention is that I’ve started to work on an openSUSE 11.2 based iFolder appliance that will include, as of right now, iFolder 3.8. I’ll be posting links to the test images for anyone that would like to help test, comment, contribute, etc. Please feel free to post bugs to the project page and I’ll do my best to fix them.
I teste you appliance in vmware and works fine. Do you plan make a 64 bit Xen image too?
@Luciano, I haven’t made the new one available yet. There are several things that I think we are going to add. One thing is easier openLDAP stuff. Once its finished I’m hoping to make it available in all formats and archs.
Anxiously waiting. Working of ifolder 3.8 on open suse 11.3
Any time line for testing. Happy to assist
I’m hoping to have something together next week, but since I’m most likely going to have another kid next week all bets are off 😉
good luck for the kid.
I playing with the 0.9 version and I have a sugestion for the new one:
Support for nfs would be greate to use external storage other than iscsi, few admin to like ping wget etc won’t hurt also.
Any update on the 3.8 release?
Is anything happening on this project? Can I help?? I’d love to see some working appliances for ifolder 3.8.4 that are virtualbox compatible.
Sorry, I’ve been very MIA lately. I actually spent the other weekend redoing an ifolder server with openldap and was thinking about getting back to ifolder and getting an 11.4 appliance out.
I would like to see an appliance with an active directory integration wizard as well.
Was quote a chore for this lazy admin to put together an opensuse 11.1 with iFolder hooked into AD.
Anything I can do to help?
I also have some ideas of using an smbfstab mount to pull in a CIFS target for the Simian data folder tree to allow external non-iSCSI storage for the iFolders, keeping the appliance small and the resulting files on corporate backed-up storage.
I’m not sure that that’ll happen at least with the appliance I’m doing. I don’t know if the ifolder stuff that comes with OES does that though. If you want to come up with a document on how to do it I’ll include it, but I don’t have a windows machine laying around with AD on it. That and haven’t setup AD in years.
Hello Joe, i’m now starting down the path of integrating iFolder with AD, and want to use our CIFS servers to act as the datastore, do you have any useful pointers or tips?
I was recently handed a task to find something to replace the horrible DropBox application our Faculty are starting to use. iFolder seemed to be the perfect thing. Any chance of an update appliance coming available? I’m also interested in AD integration. Saddened to not see much activity recently.
If you are looking for new or used appliances you should always check at velmasamazingdeals.com for the highest amount of options for the lowest price known!!!